Friday, May 24, 2013

Happy Chemoversary to me!

I don't post much anymore.  Two months since my last post, in fact.  Life is busy!  I finally completed my studies and graduated with my MSW.  I am actively looking for a job but still working part-time at the university, and enjoying a little bit of "free time" to do all the yard work I didn't have energy to do last year.  I'm running (sometimes) and yoga-ing (when I can) and soaking up the sun whenever possible.  Life has moved on, and so this blog has become kind of an after-thought - and that is GOOD!

And today - today is exciting!  Today is my Chemoversary - one year since my last chemo treatment.  A year ago today I introduced the Boob Fairy, all shiny pink tulle and satin.  I shocked the heck out of the infusion center staff, who admitted they'd never had anyone dress up to celebrate their final chemo treatment.
The original Boob Fairy
I can't understand why more people don't dress up and celebrate their final Dance with Toxins (especially when you can be all sparkly!)

Today, a year later, I am still recovering from the effects of those poisons.  And likely, I will live with pain and reduced heart function for...ever.  But the operative words here is "live with" - because that is what I'm doing (and doing well, I think!) - living.  Each and every day, as joyously and happily as possible.  I am still here, and intend to be for a very long time to come. 

So I am thankful for my short-lived affair with AC/T last year; because of them, I am still here today.  I am grateful for lessons learned, and for the opportunity to live (really LIVE!!) again.

Celebrate today!  Tell someone you love them; surprise someone with a hug.  Send an email or call someone and just say hi.  Think about someone you clash with and send them positive energy and love.  Do something kind for yourself; do something kind for a stranger.  Smile.  Make a funny face.  Make a child laugh.  Make yourself laugh.  Make love.  Make a choice to be happy - then BE happy!

I love you all - thank you for sharing this journey with me!