Saturday, February 11, 2012

Phoenix Rising

When my daughter S was a little girl, she was very sick with strep throat.  When I asked her how she felt she said, "I feel sideways" - from the fever bending her sense of reality.  I now understand the long-term effects of feeling "sideways."

Day 10.  Glorious Day 10.

I feel like a phoenix rising from the ashes on Day 10.  I discovered this during my first treatment, as well.  I spend the first three days post-treatment in a steroid-fueled haze; I don't realize how bad I feel until it has passed.  The next few days, without the steroids, are a slide down into heck (not quite hell...but darned close).  Day 10 - Saturday - appears to be the day of cloud-lifting and fog-parting; the flu-like symptoms and feelings start to abate, and I don't feel like crying at the drop of a hat (or scarf...or cap...).  My sense of smell and taste start their return to normal.  I am no longer sideways.

If I can make it through the week after, Day 10 becomes my reward. 

1 comment:

  1. Nancy—I'm so glad I found your blog on the "Blogging is Smart and Cathartic" discussion board. You write about this topic with clear eyes and a warm sense of humor. I hope your feel good days will soon overcome your sideways days.
